Lights up the world, also known as gamma.
Free Look
Old classic aswell, allows you to freely move your camera around your player in third person while not actually looking around
Chat Tweaks
Enables sending emojis in chat, get player name suggestions when typin '@', save your chat when closed and condense messages with the same content.
Allows you to add useful information to your in-game HUD. More information in the HUD Editor section
Fluid Marker
Overlays blocks next to fluids with a color, and / or prevents you from breaking them. Will save your redstone.
BUD-Switch finder
Overlays redstone components which are, in some way, indirectly powered.
Discord RPC
Shows you playing Cactus in your discord presence, along with customizable information
This module is known to cause crashes on certain systems. Please report those issues.
Name Tags
Show your own name in third person, give yourself a client-side nickname (nick hider) or change your skin for yourself
TNT Timer
Shows when a primed TNT will explode as a name-tag over it
Fly speed
Modify your flying speed, change by scrolling or instantly stop when disabling. Only works when already flying (ofcourse lol, it's not a fly hack.)
Inventory Tabs
Switch through adjacent storage blocks when inside a container GUI. Only works in normal player reach.
Better Tooltips
Improves your tooltips by displaying more useful information about an item, for example the contents of a shulker box, a preview of armor trims, armorstads and maps or just fixes high levels on enchantments.
Anti Force-Pack
Allows you to freely choose if you want to download a resourcepack a server wants to force you to use. The reason for that feature is that there are people with slow internet or other reasons why they might not want to install a resourcepack, and we believe the user should have free choice to download it or not.
No Container-Drop
Deletes container / storage blocks using the /setblock command to prevent items inside from dropping. Requires permission for said command.
Auto Top
Good for wiring redstone, automatically places a block from your offhand ontop of every block you place.
Block Outlines
Makes your block outlines look better, customizable in terms of color, rendering type and line width.
Ad Blocker
Uses keywords to hide boss-bars, titles or chat messages, useful for blocking intrusive advertisements for server stores.
Quit Confirm
Options to make you not accidentally disconnect from a server or quit a world
Player Hider
Hides players which are too close to you, useful for multiplayer jump-n-run. (Thanks, TJC Server Hide n Seek Swampbridge Mansion)
Draw your own crosshair on a 17x17 canvas, supports colors.
Creative Tools
Adds useful tools to your creative inventory - for editing NBT data and armorstands, getting playerheads or converting maps.
World Hosting
Allows you to invite other players to your Singleplayer world, specify a whitelist and manage permissions.
This feature is still in development, and not available for public access right now.
No Realms
Removes all Realms-related features. Like for real, who even uses realms?
Head Database
Access all playerheads from minecraft-heads.com from your creative inventory.
This can currently cause lags when opening the creative inventory or fail to load - we're working on it!
Dark Mode
Applies darkmode to all buttons in the game. We will probably extend this feature to include other UI components in the future aswell.
Server Widget
Adds a widget to the direce-connect screen which shows information about the server, just like the ones in your serverlist.
Title Screen
Changes the titlescreen panorama. (Also available by default when right-clicking in the title screen)
Server Reports
Allows you to report abusive or fraudulent servers, for example ones that engage in scamming or pay to win.